Thursday, May 1, 2014

2014 ride

The date is picked the route is finalized
May 18th 9AM
Loons Foot Landing Superior Wi. Hwy 2 at 30th Ave E.
Come join us for the start to the Northland 2014 bike season with a 100k bike ride.
The route will not be marked so print off a copy of the cue sheet before you come.

MAP as of 5-1-2014

The map has a glitch in the mile markers. But the cue sheet should be correct.
Copy and paste this address into your browser

Here is the cue sheet

Print off a copy of this before the ride and bring along.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The trail for the 2013 ride was in pretty good shape.
Look for the 2014 version coming in early May.
I hope to make it a lolly pop loop at about 100k

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Went out for a ride on the trail on Monday and this is what the first 20 miles looked like

After about 20 miles the trail started to look more like this
But after the 70 degree temps today I think a lot of it will be gone. Keep your fingers crossed.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Inviting anyone and everyone to come out for a ride on Sunday May 5th on the Tri County Corridor.

The last few years I've done many of the gravel road races in the spring but they're all down south and I'm tired of the driving. So I thought it would be nice to have a ride up north.

Meet at 9AM on Sunday May 5th at the Loons Foot Landing in Superior Wisconsin, 30th Ave East and 2nd St (aka Hwy 2 and 30th Ave E). Bring your Mountain bike or Cross bike and join us for a fun ride.

The Tri County Corridor is a 'Rails to Trails' gravel trail that goes from Superior to Ashland WI. It is a multiple use trail so ya have to watch out for other users like ATV'ers and there are many road crossings including Hwy 2 so ride with caution. 
It is also very flat and scenic.

It will be an out and back route so ya can ride as far or as short as you want. The town of Brule is about 52 miles round trip. The town of Iron river is about 70 miles round trip. The end of the trail at Ashland is 120 miles round trip.

So mark the date on your calender, invite your friends or bring the family, pack a lunch or stop in a town and buy lunch. Most important come out for some exercise and a good time. 

The trail on April 7th